Our services are vital in maintaining your fuel efficiency and increasing the overall lifespan of your equipment. Book a service appointment today.
- Commercial Vehicle Inspections
- General Maintenance and Repair
- Air-conditioning Recharge and Maintenance
- Electronic Diagnostics and Repair
- Custom Repairs and Modifications
- Complete Custom Refurbish
- Custom Parts Fabrication by Wild Bill Welding (Journeyman Red Seal
Welder Bill Inkster)
- General Maintenance and Repairs
- Electronic Diagnostics and Repairs
- Air-conditioning Recharge and Maintenance
- Custom Repairs and Modifications
- Custom Parts Fabrication by Wild Bills Welding (Journeyman Red Seal
Welder Bill Inkster)
- Lawn Mowers/ Tractors
- Snow Blowers
- Recreational Vehicles including bikes, quads, side by sides, snowmobiles ect.)
- Generators
- Buses
- Motorhomes
- Bumper Pulls
- 5th Wheels
- New Tire Sales
- Tire Change Overs
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